01513562715 United Kingdom

  • 209 Number of views:
  • 23/02/2025 Last visit:
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  • 1 Number of comments:
  • 08/04/2022 Last comment:

If you have received an unsolicited phone call or an unwanted SMS message from the phone number 01513562715 you do not know and want to know about it more, maybe you are not the only one. On this page, you can see the comments to the phone number 01513562715 from other people.

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All comments of the number 01513562715

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(08,02,2022) Saludos, Caballeros, me dirijo al dueño del teléfono británico +441513562715, aparen-temente de Liverpool (Reino Unido). Mi nombre es Francisco y le hago saber que Ud lleva semanas llamando erróneamente a al número de teléfono español +34 626311151 de la ciudad de Vigo (Ponte-vedra, Galicia, España), perteneciente a mi hermano. Nosostros no hablamos inglés, ni tampoco cono-cemos a nadie en Reino Unido. Le hago notar que el prefijo internacional de Reino Unido es +44, mientras que el prefijo telefónico internacional de España es +34, quizá de ahí su error. Por favor, rectifique y no vuelva a llamar. Cordialmente, GRACIAS.

Translated by the excellent Artificial Intelligence machine translator "DEEPL" (https://www.deepl.com)

(08,02,2022) Greetings, Gentlemen, I am writing to the owner of the British telephone number +441513562715, apparently from Liverpool (UK). My name is Francisco and I am letting you know that for weeks you have been wrongly calling the Spanish telephone number +34 626311151 from the city of Vigo (Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain), belonging to my brother. We do not speak English, nor do we know anyone in the UK. I would like to point out that the UK international dialling code is +44, whereas the international dialling code for Spain is +34, which may be the reason for your error. Plea-se rectify this and do not call again. Cordially, THANK YOU.
Unknown Neutral